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How to Draw the Female Manga Body Step Py Step

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If you want to depict your favorite anime character or even one of your own, designing the body can seem like a challenge. Anime characters tin vary in shape and size, simply starting time by drawing them with human proportions before modifying them into your own design. While proportions are like between male and female characters, their body shapes vary slightly. With a bit of fourth dimension and practice, you'll be able to depict any sort of anime character!

  1. 1

    Draw a head at the top of your paper. Identify a circle nearly the top eye of the page so at that place's enough room to add pilus subsequently on. Put the point of the chin slightly outside the bottom edge of the circle since the jaw will come lower down. Sketch in curved jaw lines from either side of the circle toward the mark you merely made to make a pointed mentum for your anime girl.[1]

    • Work lightly in pencil so yous can erase and make changes if you demand to.
    • If you have problem drawing a circumvolve, use a compass to help yous depict one.
    • Don't add any facial features yet since you may need to brand adjustments to the size of the head afterwards.

    Warning: Be careful not to draw the head too large or else you won't exist able to fit the residue of the trunk on the sheet of paper.

  2. 2

    Brand a vertical line that's half dozen ½ times taller than the head down the middle of the paper. Measure the height of the caput from the top of the circumvolve to the bespeak of the chin. Start your line at the tiptop of your grapheme's head and draw information technology directly down so information technology's 6 ½ taller than the head. Space horizontal marks downwardly the vertical line so they're the same distance apart as the head height to use as guides.[2]

    • Measure out your proportions each time or else your anime character won't wait natural.
    • The guide line will also aid go on your drawing symmetrical.


  3. three

    Sketch an hourglass shape with 2 circles in information technology for the torso. Draw the top line of the hourglass shape slightly below the chin to form the shoulders. Draw curved lines going toward the center line, and flare out the lesser of the hourglass shape and then information technology's slightly wider than the shoulders for the hips. Draw two circles with a compass in the pinnacle half of the hourglass shape for your graphic symbol's breasts.[3]

    • When yous're finished, the caput and body together volition be about 3 heads tall.
    • Your anime girl'south shoulders should exist most 1 ½ times wider than the head.
    • Describe small-scale circles on the top corners of the hourglass shape if you want to visualize the shoulder joints better.
  4. iv

    Describe the arms then they extend from the top corners of the trunk. Draw tubes extending down from the shoulder joints on the superlative of the torso. Once you reach the signal where the body is it'south narrowest, put circles inside the tubes you're cartoon for the arms to mark the elbows. Go on extending the tubes down to the bottom of the hourglass and sketch pocket-size circles for the wrists. Draw mitten shapes for the easily attached to the ends of the arms.[4]

    • The upper arms and forearms on your cartoon volition be the same length.
    • Endeavour posing the artillery a different way if yous don't desire them direct down. Just make sure the total length of each arm is about the aforementioned length as the drawing's torso.
  5. 5

    Extend legs down from the lesser of the hourglass shape. First by drawing tubes extending from the bottom of the body on either side of the center guide line. Once the upper legs are ane ½ heads tall, describe circles in the tubes to represent the knee joints. Keep drawing the lower legs then they're the same length every bit the upper legs before adding circles for the ankle joints. Draw trapezoid shapes attached to the ankle joints for your character'south feet so the bottoms line up with the last horizontal line.[v]

    • Brand sure both legs are the same length or else your drawing won't look symmetrical.
  6. vi

    Erase your guide lines so yous have the bones shape of the body. Use a modest eraser to clean up the extra lines on your drawing. Erase the heart line running through the eye of your character and any horizontal guides you drew to figure out the proportions.[vi]

    • Be conscientious not to erase the outline for your grapheme or else you'll have to redraw information technology.
  7. seven

    Sketch features and hair onto your effigy's head. Place the optics just below the center of the circle add together eyebrows slightly above them. Add the nose and optics below the eyes in the center of the face. Choose a hairstyle for your anime character and draw information technology in clumps rather than individual strands.[vii]

    • Look at various characters' hairstyles to go an idea of different anime hair that you can draw.
    • Describe the hairstyles on a piece of tracing paper on tiptop of your drawing so you lot tin can practice sketching without affecting the rest of your cartoon. That way, you can endeavor multiple styles before committing to ane.
  8. viii

    Add clothing to the figure. There are many different outfits y'all tin can draw on your graphic symbol, and then choose one that looks the all-time for your drawing. Lightly sketch the apparel on your character'due south body and so you can get an thought of what it will look like. Once you notice a style you similar for your character, erase whatever lines from the body that are covered by clothes to clean up your cartoon.[viii]

    • Look at pictures of real people wearing the kind of wearing apparel you desire to describe on your character so you can encounter where it folds and bunches up so yous can brand your drawing more realistic.


  1. 1

    Make an oval with a pointed bottom about the height of your paper for the head. Identify the oval in the acme middle of your paper so you lot accept enough room to add hair after on. Depict angled lines down from either side of the oval that extend down to form the jaw line. Sketch the jaw lines so they meet at a betoken below the oval to form the chin.[9]

    • Male anime characters usually have longer, narrower faces than females.
    • Don't draw your circle too large or else you won't be able to fit the rest of the torso on the folio.
  2. two

    Extend a vertical line that's vi ½ times taller than the head down the page. Measure the meridian of your character's caput from the meridian of the circumvolve to the lesser of the chin. Multiply the measurement by 6 ½ to find out how tall your character should exist and so it's proportional. Start the line in the top middle of the head and extend it directly downwards to the length you found and then you know how alpine your character should be.[10]

    • Y'all tin also draw horizontal lines marking the head size along the vertical guide. That style you can visually encounter where the character'southward anatomy lines upward.
  3. 3

    Sketch in a rectangular shape for the trunk. Describe a horizontal line beneath the chin on your character's head to mark the tops of their shoulders. Add together lines down from the ends of the shoulder that angle slightly toward the center guide. In one case the body extends halfway down the vertical guide line, describe a horizontal line on the bottom for the hips.[xi]

    • Your character's shoulders should be almost twice the width of their head and the hips slightly narrower.
    • Put circles on the top corners of the shoulders to marking the joints then you can visualize them better.
    • Keep the body as symmetrical as you can and so your grapheme looks proportional.
  4. four

    Draw the arms coming off the shoulders. Offset past drawing tubes that extend downwardly from the shoulder until they reach halfway downwardly the torso. Sketch modest circles inside the tubes to mark the elbows and so you know where y'all tin bend the character's arm. Continue extending the tubes until the forearms are the aforementioned length every bit the upper arms. Add circles for the wrists earlier adding the hands on the end.[12]

    • You lot can describe mitten shapes if you don't want to add fingers right away to your character'due south hands.
    • The arms volition be near the aforementioned length or slightly longer than your grapheme's torso.
  5. v

    Add legs on the lesser of the body so they're half of the figure'south height. Extend tubes down from the bottom of the torso on either side of the center guide line for the upper legs. Once y'all've fatigued them halfway between the hips and the end of the center line, add circles inside the tubes for the knees. Add the lower legs and so they're the aforementioned length equally the upper legs before drawing a trapezoid shape for the feet.[thirteen]

    • Draw ane leg start and extend horizontal guidelines from the knee joint and foot then yous can line them up when you add the other leg.
    • Concur your cartoon out in forepart of you and look at its proportions to see if they look natural or unnatural.
  6. 6

    Erase all of your guidelines then y'all only see the outline of your anime figure. Utilize the eraser on your pencil to remove the center guide and any horizontal lines you added. Exist careful not to erase whatsoever of your grapheme's outline or else you'll have to redraw it. Go along erasing any lines that aren't a office of your character.[14]

    • If yous don't have an eraser on your pencil, you tin either use a cake eraser or a small-scale clickable eraser to work in tight areas.
  7. 7

    Sketch in facial features and muscles to add together details. Draw rounded rectangular shapes your slightly lower than the heart of the head for your grapheme'southward optics. Add together a pocket-size line for the tip of the olfactory organ, and depict the mouth below the eyes and then they're lined upwardly with the centre of the circumvolve. Pick a hairstyle that fits your grapheme well and sketch information technology onto their head. Draw the hairs in clumps that terminate in a point rather than drawing private strands. And then add in lines following along with your character'south muscles, such every bit around their pectorals or their abs.[xv]

    • You don't have to add muscles if y'all programme on drawing loose-plumbing equipment dress on them.
    • Look at musculature charts to run across what shapes and lines the muscles would brand on your character.
  8. 8

    Draw clothes on your effigy. Anime characters habiliment a variety of dissimilar wearing apparel, so choose a style that fits best with your character. Sketch the style lightly onto the outline of your character's body and then yous can see what it would like if they were wearing it. Once you're happy with how the dress wait, erase whatever part of your character's body that'south covered by clothing to make information technology wait more believable.[16]

    • Practice drawing clothes on a sheet of tracing newspaper and so you don't have to draw and erase on your cartoon each time.

    Tip: Look at pictures of existent people in like outfits as what you want to depict so you tin can see how the clothes fold or agglomeration upwardly.


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  • Question

    How do I know where the legs get-go?

    Community Answer

    The legs commencement right beneath the body, and retrieve, they are slightly longer than the body with the thighs thicker at the first and slimming down at the knee. Also, the calves on females are thinner while the calves on males are more muscular.

  • Question

    How can I describe realistic hair?

    Community Answer

    Recollect that hair has volume and is frequently layered. Don't make information technology too perfect, considering real hair is not similar that.

  • Question

    How practice you describe a male that looks feminine?

    Community Answer

    Effort to depict a more than slender look to your character, and perchance soften his facial features, in social club to brand him look feminine.

  • Question

    How exercise I describe arms for males and females?

    Community Answer

    Try using softer lines for females and more athwart lines for males. Also, try to make the arms more slender on females, and more muscular on males.

  • Question

    How can I draw a cool fighting movement?

    Community Answer

    Basically use 'swish' lines. Depict the contact phase of a martial arts motion so draw curved lines from where the limb was before. This illustrates the direction from which the limb has moved.

  • Question

    Where exercise you shade a female's trunk?

    Community Answer

    You should shade under the breast (breasts, to be specific), and where the lightning isn't pointed to.

  • Question

    How do I draw a petty kid'south body?

    Community Answer

    You would probably make them iii to 4 heads tall, and they usually would be more stubby than a teen or an adult. Their fingers would be shorter, and their legs would only exist a footling longer than their trunk.

  • Question

    How do I draw male hair?

    Community Answer

    You would draw it the same fashion that you lot would depict female hair, just a scrap shorter if you practice not want the male person to have long hair.

  • Question

    How tin can I learn to draw anime arms?

    Community Answer

    The arm is split into 3 categories. Drawing a deltoid is similar to drawing a tear drop. The point of the tear drop should be pointed in the direction of the arm. The humerus tin be drawn as a cylinder. It should come down no farther than the navel. The forearm kind of looks like a baseball bat. It should extend down to the groin where the hand will commencement. Make sure when yous connect the forearm to the humerus that the pinch is not every bit tight every bit the pinch in the wrist. The hand is kind of similar a trapezoid, with the wider spot being where the fingers extend. The wider spot shouldn't be also much wider than the wrist.

  • Question

    How can I learn to draw wearing apparel that look natural?

    Community Answer

    Look at the piece of work of your favorite anime artists to understand their arroyo, and you tin too draw inspiration from other artistic styles that appeal to you. Start by cartoon the graphic symbol'south bones form, and then sketch out the vesture and shadows you want to include. If your character is wearing tight wearing apparel, remember that this will require fewer folds than amorphous apparel.

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  • Take reference photos of dissimilar poses and angles and so you tin do drawing anime bodies in activeness. Trace over the pictures so you lot can sympathise the beefcake better.

  • Try cartoon your favorite anime characters then you can practice and look at a reference.

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Things Yous'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser

About This Article

Article Summary X

To draw an anime body, start past cartoon a stick figure with small circles at the joints and triangles for the easily and feet. Then, draw the head, neck, and torso with a waistline on meridian of the stick effigy outline. Finish the body past drawing the limbs, using the joints to guide you lot. Once you're finished, add together the finishing details, like pilus, clothing, and shoes. For more on drawing anime bodies, similar how to brand the body look more feminine or masculine, read on!

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